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S01E01 This World Our Hell 此间地狱









校对:@两斤硫酸铜 @Eudossia @戚润薇 @哈姆林的透明子







Paris, 1900. One of DorianGray's oldest friends is on his deathbed, locked away in a room at thenotorious Hotel D'Alsace, where he is fighting a duel to the death. And whenDorian comes to visit him one last time, both men realise they may never beallowed to check out…





Note: The Confessions of Dorian Graycontains adult material and is not suitable for younger listeners.





Written By: David Llewellyn




Directed By: Scott Handcock






Alexander Vlahos (Dorian Gray)




Steffan Rhodri (Oscar Wilde)




Marilyn Le Conte (Genevieve Moreau)




David Blackwell (Robert Ross)




Sophie Melville (Isabelle)







道连·格雷 Dorian Gray


巴黎。1900年十一月。而今我们管那个年代叫Belle Époque,美好时代。表面尽管美好,我却一直觉得此地别有一番丑陋。


Paris.November 1900. Nowadays we call it the BelleÉpoque, the Beautiful Era. But for all its surface beauty I always thoughtthere was something uniquely ugly about the place.




Everycity’s built on top of bones but I can’t think of any other place where youfeel it quite like Paris, as if you’re perpetually crossing over someone’s grave. 




Iwas there to visit an old friend. News had reached London – he was dying. They say he had days left at best. So I travelled through the night. Minight trainout of Waterloo, night crossing from Dover. Got to Paris around midday. I foundmy friend staying in the Latin Quarter at the Hotel d'Alsace.




Oh…theHotel d’Alsace. He’d had what you might call a…reputation. It was where people went to disappear. Oh I know, Paris was full of exiles back then. But when youwere too scandalous even for Paris, you headed straight for the Hotel d’Alsace.




The manageress was this widow, Genevieve Moreau. Her husband, the late Gaston Moreau was a notorious anarchist who danced with the Madame Guillotine in 1892.And there were all sorts of rumours about his wife. My favourite was the one inwhich she kept his mummified head on top of her wardrobe in an old hat box, asyou do.




热娜维耶芙·莫罗Genevieve Moreau




Yes,may I help you?








Bonjour. I believe a friend of mine isstaying here. I was hoping to visit him.




Genevieve Moreau




Who is your friend?








Wilde. Oscar Wilde.




Genevieve Moreau




We have no one of that name staying here.








Really? How about  Sebastian Melmoth?




Genevieve Moreau












Yes, Sebastian.




Genevieve Moreau




One moment. Hmm…Melmoth, Sebastian. Oui,he is staying with us, but Monsieur Melmoth is most unwell.








So I've been told.




Well, that’s why I’m here. Perhaps I can speak with his friend, Monsieur Ross?




Genevieve Moreau




Monsieur Ross is away, in Nice.








Ah, well, in that  case, I’m sure Monsieur Melmoth would love the company. Would you be so kind as to take me to hisrooms?






Begrudgingly,she took me up five flights of stairs, right to the top of the hotel, and intothe attic room, where my old friend was residing.




God... his room. There’s no smell quite like wilting roses. No other flower that smells so horrible when it’s dying. And the air, the air was stale. It had this citrusytang of old sweat so the room already smelled of death.




And it was so small, that room. All the funny angles, the cobwebs in the corners and the tiny, grubby little windows.




Hisdoctor gave me a look over the top of his glasses, all raised eyebrows and flared nostrils. But when I told him I’d come all the way from London, heagreed to leave us alone, if only for a few minutes.




Evenwhen the news of Oscar’s condition had been so bleak, I hadn't expected to see him like this. In a room like this,so thin and gaunt. I barely recognised him.




奥斯卡·王尔德 Oscar Wilde




Dorian? Is it you?








Yes, Oscar, it's me.




Oscar Wilde




Myboy! I haven't…h…I thought you were…


Please, sit down.








So…Still travelling as Sebastian Melmoth, I see?




Oscar Wilde




Oh,another of my masks. Even in exile. There are too many English journalists in Paris, and as you know, they'll print anything. And what name is on your passport these days?








John. John Gray.




Oscar Wilde




Wonderful! You kept your surname, your rather apt surname.












Oscar Wilde




Gray. The ambiguity of it. Neither wholly black nor white. You should use your true name. More so, hide in plain sight.








As you do, you mean?




Oscar Wilde




I am not a work of fiction, Dorian. People know that I am real. Oh, they may not wish to believe it but they know. I still can’t believe you’re here. My fever,I imagine things. Tell me you’re not a hallucination.







I'm not.




Oscar Wilde




Oh my boy! My beautiful Dorian! I'm so sorry for you to see me like this, in this place.








It seems pleasant enough.




Oscar Wilde




Don't patronise me. The sad truth is, even in this squalor, I am dying beyond my means.








Dying, oh come now, Oscar. You have a fever. I'm sure given plenty of rest-




Oscar Wilde




I told you not to patronise me.






Oscar Wilde




How many years is it, since we last met?








Hmm…Nine? Maybe ten?




Oscar Wilde




Adecade. And look at me. Forty two years of age and I look like an old man, but you-








Oscar. You're forty six.




Oscar Wilde




Ah…I never could fool you. You know, I got that from my mother. She always lied about her age, so fond of deceptions, of masks. She passed away, you know?








Hmm…I know.




Oscar Wilde




While I was in that red Hell. When they buried her it was in common ground. I couldn't even afford a headstone. Andthere were so many deaths. My mother. My brother. Aubrey. Constance. My poor, poor Constance. I am surrounded by death. But you, look at you, as handsome and youthful as the day we met. Do you remember?








As if it were yesterday.




Oscar Wilde


“那会康斯坦斯和我正在度蜜月。弗朗切斯卡在但丁的作品里是怎么说的来着?Nessun maggior dolore. Che ricordarsi del tempo felice. Nella miseria. (但丁原文) 没什么比在潦倒时想起幸福时光更痛苦的事。”


Constance and I were on our honeymoon. What is it Francesca says in Dante? Nessun maggior dolore. Che ricordarsi deltempo felice. Nella miseria. There is nothing worse than remembering happy times, when one is wretched.




I'd stepped out for a morning stroll and stumbled quite by accident upon that charming little bookshop, not far from here, on the RueIsard. And you were there, thumbing through the pages of a book bound in yellow paper.







À Rebours.




Oscar Wilde




À Rebours. The most beautiful and poisonous book I ever read. You recommended it to me, do you remember? I was looking for Le Père Goriot, and you suggested that I try something a little more… What was it you said?








Hmm…Well, I asked if you had read de Balzac, you told me you had. And so I said,well then, perhaps you should try something new.




Oscar Wilde




Something new. Yes, something new. That moment changed my life. In so many ways.








For better or worse?




Oscar Wilde




For better and worse.








Mine, too.




Oscar Wilde




I know, and I am sorry.












Oscar Wilde




Your notoriety.








Anotorious name, Oscar, that’s all you gave me. Do you really think London society would believe your novel could be based upon a true story?




Oscar Wilde




I suppose you're right. To have written such a book was nothing…to convince the world it was a work of fiction was a triumph. Do you remember what the Daily Chronicle said of it?








Word for word. '…A tale spawned from the leprous literature of the French Décadents- a poisonous book, the atmosphere of which is heavy with the mephitic odours of moral and spiritual putrefaction.'




Oscar Wilde




'Themephitic odours of moral and spiritual putrefaction.' Oh I did enjoy that. Butthey were wrong, Dorian. I realise now, that my novel, my book was one of absolute morality. It is the story of redemption.












Oscar Wilde




Yes. You see, the kindest thing I ever did was to have Dorian, the Dorian in my book, drive a dagger through the canvas.








There by killing himself.




Oscar Wilde












So you think I’d be better off dead?




Oscar Wilde




Not at all. But I do worry for you.








How so?




Oscar Wilde




Well, I am only forty four years of age-












Oscar Wilde




Very well, but I have so many regrets. And I wonder, if you cannot age, and you cannot die, how many regrets you will gather about you?








We know what happens to my regrets, Oscar. They are etched onto a painting, gathering dust in a locked room, a great many miles from here.




Oscar Wilde




Oh Dorian. Those aren’t your regrets. They’re your sins. Your digressions. Unless your portrait grants you amnesia as well as youth, your regrets linger. We are each our own devil. And we make this world our Hell.








One should absorb the colour of life, but one should never remember its details.




Oscar Wilde




That's one of mine.








It is.




Oscar Wilde




But you can't possibly still believe that.








Sometimes I can. Sometimes I think I have to.






Oscar Wilde




Oh Dorian, the boy without a soul, and there’s nothing more precious than the human soul. Nor any earthly thing that can be weighed with it. But you have your beauty, and you shall have it forever, and you shall still be alive whenthe world has quite forgotten Oscar Wilde.








The world shall never forget Oscar Wilde.




Oscar Wilde




I wish I shared your confidence. You know, as a young man, I visited the United States of America. Wonderfully awful place. And while travelling west westopped in a town of Saint Joseph, Missouri. Only a few days earlier Jesse James had been gunned down in his own sitting room, right there in the town. For a few cents, one could buy a photograph of him ensconced in his coffin. Fora dollar, one could have blood-stained wood shaving from the floor of the very room where he was killed. And the people there, they treated him, this vagabond, this murderer, as a folk hero, a veritable Robin Hood.








All the world loves a rogue.




Oscar Wilde




Doesn't it? And yet, when they were taking me to the ruddy jail, we stopped at Clapham Junction, and for thirty minutes I was jeered at by the crowds there as if I were the very worst villain to draw breath. The world, Dorian, is selective inthe rogues it chooses to love, and those it chooses to remember. They have declared my words immoral. My plays are no longer performed in the West End. My works go unread. I will be forgotten. Look around you. Is this the deathbed of a great man.








You seem to be very certain that you're dying.




Oscar Wilde




This room is cursed. The air in here is stagnant. The ceiling is riddled with damp. And my wallpaper and I are fighting aduel to the death. One of us has to go.








Oh Oscar, ever the esthete.




Oscar Wilde




I'm serious. They tell me I'm seeing things. That I'm hallucinating. That it's my fever but at night, in its patterns-








What? What do you see?




Oscar Wilde




Have you ever visited Algiers?








Yes, a long time ago.




Oscar Wilde


“自然。从前日子过得更安乐,离天降之灾还很远的时候,波西和我去过那里。好一个辉煌的城市。环着海港的房屋被刷得粉白,空气中弥漫大麻的芳香,宣礼人以高歌召唤信众。那里有个市集,是在老城区内的一个露天市场,摆摊卖蔬果、毛毯和各种各样的饰品、雕塑,在某一摊位上我们看到了一个小塑像。极可怕的玩意。我问那是什么,店主是个没牙的老头,他一点英语都不会,但以法语回答,“Démon de Babylone.”巴比伦的恶魔。不知道它为何选择出现在阿尔及利亚。总之波西想要我买下它,但那东西,那丑陋的造物让我毛骨悚然。我们火速离开了。”


Of course. Well, in happier days, long before things turned so terribly bad, Bosieand I were there. Such a dazzling city. White-washed houses around the harbour,the scent of Hashish, the muezzin singing the call to prayer. And there was amarket place, a sook in the older part of town, stalls selling fruit and vegetables and rugs and all manners of ornaments and carvings, and on one ofthese stalls we saw a figurine. The most ghastly looking thing. I asked what itwas and the stall holder, this toothless old man, he had no English but in French he replied, ‘Démon de Babylone.’ A Babylonian demon. No idea what it was doing in Algeria of all places.Anyway Bosie wanted me to buy it but that thing, that hideous creature made my flesh crawl. We moved on, briskily.








And what does that have to do with your wallpaper?




Oscar Wilde




In its pattern I see that face. The same snarling face I saw it in the sook of Algiers. And not one but hundreds of them. Hundreds of faces.








Faces? I'm afraid I don't see them. I only see the pattern.




Oscar Wilde




Not now. At night. The faces only appear at night. When I'm alone.








Well then perhaps they're right. Your friends, the doctor. Perhaps it is the fever.




Oscar Wilde




No, Dorian, these are not visions. I see their faces and I hear them. They… tell me things.








What? What do they tell you?




Oscar Wilde




They are with the dead. They are surrounded by the dead. By the people I've loved. And sometimes I hear them screaming my name.








Yes, what is it?




Genevieve Moreau




The maid, monsieur, she has come to clean your room. Alors vas-y, et dépêche-toi.








Excuse-moi, monsieur, désolé. Excuse-moi.




Oscar Wilde




C'est pas grave, ne t'inquiète pas.








I was wondering, Madame Moreau?




Genevieve Moreau












Would you happen to have a spare room? You see, I've decided to stay in Paris, for atleast a few days.




Genevieve Moreau




And you wish to stay here?












Genevieve Moreau




I believe we have a room for you. Your belongings?








I'll have them sent.




Genevieve Moreau




Very well. Isabelle, ça suffit. Viens.








Oui, Madame.








Very strange.




Oscar Wilde




What's that?








Does the manageress always follow the maid around like that?




Oscar Wilde




Always. A stickler for detail, I believe.








Hmm…I'll say.




Oscar Wilde




So…We shall be neighbours then.








We shall.




Oscar Wilde




This is excellent news. I've been so terribly alone. With Robbie in Nice, and I find myself with so few friends these days. Those who aren't dead act as if I am. Sorrow is my new world, Dorian. Sorrow, and all it teaches us.








Now, anyone else might have been more skeptical and dismissed Oscar's story as a nightmare brought on by his fever. But even though he was ill he was still lucid. Whatever the truth was, Oscar genuinely believed he had seen something in that room.









And so, that evening, as Oscar got some rest I wandered the streets of Paris. You could overhear conversations in almost every language. Old men, talking Cantonese and playing Mahjong. Russian anarchist and dissident singing drinking songs. Moroccans and Algerians peddling jewelry. 




At the CabaretI drank absinthe, watched some dancing girls, and in the show's interval I got chatting to some of the locals, asked them what they knew about the Hotel d'Alsace. Most of them refused to speak to me at all, shooing me away with their Foutre le camp. But those who did, answered enigmatically. The d'Alsace was, they said, a place where menvanish.




You mean they run away? Catch the first train out of Paris and disappear?




No, no, they said, they vanish, as if into thin air. They mentioned names, the provincial doctor who murdered his wife, the solicitor from Toulouse, wanted for larceny, checked in and never seen again.There were others, too. People from every walk of life. 




I'd heard enough. In the cold November air, but warmed a little by the absinthe, I climbed the hill to where the unfinished Basilica de Sacre Coeur stood, clad inscaffolding. And I looked out over the city at night. To the south was the Eiffel Tower, lit up with a thousand bulbs, but ugly. All dark metal girdersand rivets beneath the lights.




Maybe it was Oscar's story about the gruesome little figurine in the market, but, looking at the Eiffel Tower that night, I saw the Tower of Babel, and it filledme with an immense sensation of dread.




And what happened next, in the shadows around the unfinished Basilica, well, let's just say, even on sacred ground, one's appetites can only be satisfied by the generosity of strangers. 




I was late getting back to the Hotel, Madam Moreau was waiting for me at thedoor, as if she'd been stood there waiting for me all night. As I approached, I was reminded of all the whispers I'd heard earlier. All the talk of my sterious disappearances, or that head that she kept in that hat box. And to see her facein that moment, I could believe every story imaginable. She was not happy.





Genevieve Moreau




You are lucky we do not have a curfew here at the Hotel d'Alsace. Il est très tard-








Yeah, I know, and my most sincere apologies, Madame. It shan't happen again? 




Genevieve Moreau




Non. It shall not.








Aloneat last. The night's exploits had been a welcomed distraction, but now, back inthe hotel, I felt it again. That same sensation I've had before. An… unease? Something in the air had made me feel sick. In Oscar's room, I'd mistaken it for the presence of a dying man. But now I was alone and I still felt it. Idrew the curtains, turned out the lights and for what felt like hours, laid there in darkness staring up at the ceiling.




That sound. I will never forget that sound.






If I'd heard it any other night, or in any other room. It wouldn't have meant athing. Just mice scuttling behind the skirting boards, the wallpaper curling with damp. Not here. Not in the d'Alsace.




Hello? Hello? Who is there? Who is that?




This isn't funny, if this is somebody's idea of a joke.




I got out of the bed and lit the oil lamp. And who was that sound coming from? 




Nosooner had I followed it to its source, then it came again. From another cornerof the room.




Who is that? Where are you? Answer me!




ThenI saw it. A movement. A trick of the light?




Well, it had to be. Shadows dancing on the patterns in the wallpaper.




I stood perfectly still. Placed the lamp down on my bedside table. The flame inside instantly settled, and the shadows around stopped moving.




The pattern, however, did not.




Impossible.That's impossible.




Slowly, the patterns came together, all those arabesque fronds and ferns merging to form a face. No, not one face, but many gargoyles that snarled and gnashed their teeth. The most hideous things I've ever seen.




Ohno, no, no. No, what are you? What are you?




When they spoke it wasn't in words, but thoughts. Visions that they put in front ofme. The faces of those I've loved and lost, faces of those who died. I couldn't stay there a second longer.




The door was locked. I was trapped. No matter where I went, no matter where Ilooked, they were there, right in front of me, dancing in the air like smokeand the smell…




Oh I don't know what I thought it should smell like, sulfur perhaps or phosphorous, but it wasn't that. Whatever they were, they stank, rotting flesh and blood, like the gutters outside of an abattoir.




No, no. No, not now. This wasn't the deal. I wanted life, not this.




I thought I'd reached the day when my death would be repaid, that these creatures, these demons, were there to collect the fee for my painting.




Oh I was wrong. One by one they showed me every terrible thing I've ever done, everything I've done to corrupt my soul. Every slight. Every insult. Every callous love affair. Every act of violence.




Make it stop. Please. Please. Make it stop.




And from somewhere beyond that room, somewhere far beyond its walls, I heardscreaming. A wail. The sound a desperate widow makes when she's beside herhusband's grave. And not one voice, but millions. Millions of people grieving,as if they all knew something I didn't, some secret that would tear the world apart if the living were ever to learn it.




Genevieve Moreau




Isabelle. Chambre seize.








Oui, Madame.




Genevieve Moreau












Oui, Madame.




Genevieve Moreau




Monsieur Gray? Monsieur Gray!








You seem surprised to see me.




Genevieve Moreau




Isabelle. Viens ici.








Oui, Madame.








Oh that won't be necessary.




Isabelle, excuse us a moment.




Genevieve Moreau




Monsieur Gray? What is the meaning of this?








I think that's the question I should be asking you.




Genevieve Moreau




I do not understand.








Oh I think you know what it is I’m talking about.




Genevieve Moreau




Monsieur Gray, I must ask, did you have…company with you last night?








Company? You let me in, woman, you know as well as I did that I was quite alone.




Genevieve Moreau












So…that's it. If you're alone in the room, that's when it happens.




Genevieve Moreau




Open the door, Monsieur Gray.








And that's why you follow her, the maid, from room to room. You won't allow her to be alone in the room.




Genevieve Moreau




Monsieur Gray, open the door this instant!








What are they, those…things in the wallpaper?




Genevieve Moreau




Monsieur Gray, you are making no sense!








Madame Moreau, I've met many liars and confidence tricksters in my life and they wereall more convincing than you. The disappearances. The guests who simply vanish. It's those creatures that take them, isn't it? Isn't it?




Genevieve Moreau




I can't breathe.








Madame Moreau, let me assure you, I have killed before, and I will do so again. So tellme, what are they?




Genevieve Moreau




You do not know what you are meddling with.








Try me.




Genevieve Moreau




They are more powerful than anything you can imagine.








But what are they?




Genevieve Moreau




Les galeux. Older than the world, older thantime. They're from the other side. They have taken countless souls into the underworld since the days of Babylon before.








Babylon. Babylon? No, no, this is, this is-




We're in Paris. What are they doing in Paris?




Genevieve Moreau




Look around you, Monsieur Gray. What is Paris if it is not Babylon? A den of sin, corruption, vanity. What better place for them now?








Corruption? And when the guests have gone. When they've vanished, been taken, what then? What happens to their belongings? Do you steal what's left behind?




Genevieve Moreau




Monsieur Gray, I am a poor widow, and these are difficult times.








Oh, I feel sick. That sound-




Genevieve Moreau




Don't ask me to have sympathy for those who are taken, Monsieur Gray. They have sealed their own fates before they even stepped across the threshold.








Shhh-Don’t you hear it?




Genevieve Moreau




Non. That is impossible. There are two of us here.








Two of us, yes. In a manner of speaking. Those things came for my soul, didn't they? But it was neither theirs to take nor mine to give. I sold my soul a verylong time ago, Madam Moreau, to a higher bidder.




Genevieve Moreau




But, that means-








Exactly. Right now, you are to all intents and purposes, alone. There isn't another soul here.




Genevieve Moreau




No! Isabelle! Let me out of here!








You're going nowhere. 




Genevieve Moreau




No! Isabelle! Isabelle! Aide-moi! Cherchezquelqu'un! Vite!








What happened next, well, it was like every nightmare I've ever had rolled into one. The paper, it came alive, as it had the night before. But this time, this timeit was different. In the night when I was alone, they came and they taunted me, showed me things I didn't want to see. But there, with Madam Moreau, it waslike they could smell blood, and they came out of the paper like a swarm of locusts.




And suddenly, I was alone. Not another single soul.








Madame Moreau? Où est Madame Moreau?








Madam Moreau isn't here. Madam Moreau has gone. Contact the proprietor-




Contacter les...propriétairede...hôtel-


(Contactez le propriétaire de l'hôtel. 联系旅店的老板。)




Tell them they need a new manager at the Hotel d'Alsace.








Oui, Monsieur.








Later that afternoon, Oscar's friend Robert Ross returned from Nice. We'd met before, years ago. When he must have been…only twenty? He was surprised to see me.




罗伯特·罗斯 Robert Ross




Mister Gray? We've met before, haven't we?








We have. Charles Hirsch's bookshop in London.




Robert Ross




I thought as much, but that was years ago.








It was.




Robert Ross




But how- ? You don't look any older. How on earth are you s-








Now is not the time for questions, Robert, Oscar is very ill. You should go to him.




Robert Ross




Of course, but you-




You're leaving us?




You have your luggage-








A flying visit, I'm afraid. But before I go, I must urge you, you must find apriest for Oscar.




Robert Ross




A priest


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