Hello, Sunflower

Jared Padalecki及相关。




——From his interview with Chicago Tribune (2009):
Kripke: If you look at Season 1, the first half, it's a little repetitive, but it really picks up and catches on right around about, I think, Episode 7 or 8, when they go home for the first time. That's when we started realizing that we should play to the strengths of what's in front of us, which is these two amazing actors who have this unbelievable chemistry. And sure enough, now that's really, more than anything, that's what the show's about. 
【Eric Kripke,本剧原主创,大意是,拍到S1的7、8集时,制作团队觉得本剧“每周一怪”的主题有些枯燥重复,于是突然一拍脑袋说,我们应该来发挥近在眼前的本剧强项:两个超棒主演之间不可思议的化学反应。然后这就成了本剧主题。】


唔,就这样。= =

声明:经过博主坚持不懈的走歪,本篇日记已经变成了一篇读书笔记(喂喂),内容全凭兴趣,随意节录【 https://storify.com/speakthetruth/intro】J2 history内容来更新。会翻译,但不保证信达雅哦。 
选角时的事情,看Paley 2006和 Nerd HQ Panel 2011,可以听到双方的说法。反正没什么很特别的,大家事先都有共同的朋友,只是彼此没碰过面。 
Eric Kripke赞赏他们自身给两个角色带上了令人惊喜的特质: 
And Jared and Jensen both just so inhabited those parts, and then proceeded to blow us away with how dimensionalized they were. For Jensen, the level of emotion and totally flawed, screwed-to-hell psyche that he brings to Dean, we really are enamored with. This idea that on the surface here's this Han Solo devil-may-care persona, but when you really scratch beneath the surface, you see that anyone who has that persona has it because they are just so messed up, and that you would have to be so screwed up and damaged to be the person who always jumps first off a cliff. 
So, he really brought Dean to life in a really three-dimensional way, and Jared did the same thing with Sam. Yes, Sam was likeable, and the audience surrogate and all the things he was supposed to be, but also angry, and disaffected, and, at times, hilariously funny, loyal, and despondent. He brought in all of these different colors that have really brought these characters to life, which I think is probably very rare for a genre show to have--characters as dimensionalized as ours--and I'm really proud of it.  
When "Supernatural" premieres on the WB on September 13, be sure to pay close attention to the fight sequences. The stars of the occult-themed thriller, "Smallville's" Jensen Ackles and "Gilmore Girls'" Jared Padalecki, have been trained quite well. According to Page Six, the actors, who play brothers on the show, were attacked by a group of drunken thugs one night after filming in Vancouver. The pack of unruly goons "mistook Jared and Jensen for two guys who had hassled them earlier in the evening," according to the show's co-executive producer Peter Johnson. But instead of running off, Jared and Jensen took on the group, using the martial arts training they received for "Supernatural". "They picked the wrong pair," said Johnson, who says the gang of drunks needed an ambulance after their fight with the actors. Padalecki and Ackles, however, suffered only minor injuries.  
【大意是他们在酒吧遭到了一群醉汉的袭击,因为误认为他们是之前曾向他们挑衅的家伙。他们没有逃开而是干起了群架,用拍戏所专业训练来的体魄和技巧对付他们。据执行制作人Peter Johnson称,醉汉们挑错了人,以致群架后需要救护车,而J2只是受了轻伤。】 
描述和后来本人说法有出入,记得Jensen在哪个con上说过,是那群人里的一个姑娘认出了他对着他尖叫,被她男朋友误认为“这厮骚扰了我女朋友”,然后就乱七八糟的打了起来……横竖也不是“only minor injuries”,Jared打了好久石膏啊哈哈。 
I got away first, then I turn around and see three or four guys teaming up on Jared. I was like, "Oh, man!" I run back in and I'm fly-kicking at some kid, hit another guy, grabbed Jared's shirt — of course, I ripped his favorite shirt — and I'm yelling "C'mon, let's get out of here!" 
2006年初,剧集宣传片,“Scary Just Got Sexy”~(那是邪道啊!) 
Paley Fest 2006就很腻乎(“This guy is smokin' hot! I can't play his brother!”),幕后还有这么一段旁人repo: 
"So we're waiting in line at the Paley Festival, and I'm coming out of the men's room (which is a rather hard-to-spot door) and there's this high-pitched shrieking coming from my right beyond the ropes, so I'm turning left and looking right, and walk right into a guy who's looking to his left, and our belt buckles clink, and there's a potted plant on one side and a wall of security guards on the other (with their backs to us) so nowhere to go and I see this poor guy looking quite unhappy (the wrinkled forehead, the tightness around the eyes, not breathing) and I think 'Hm, Ackles is six foot exactly, so there' because we're exactly the same height and he's got this miserable expression that says 'please don't be a freak please don't be a freak' and I step into the potted plant to let him past, and he nods in thanks, but security is in 'protect the Pretty' mode and now he can't get past them either, (I scared them, coming out of nowhere) and his eyes are darting around and the shrieking (you know who you are, DeanGirls) was causing little birds to fall dead from the trees for blocks around and he was looking more uncomfortable and then (this is the part you'll think I'm inventing but hand on my heart) he suddenly exhaled, and the tension around his eyes relaxed a bit, so evident that I turned to see what had caused this. About thirty feet ahead was the photography backdrop area, lights and cameras and fans and reporters and Jared and he slid between me and the guards and Padalecki had a microphone in his face, and smiling at the reporter, but his eyes were on Ackles coming towards him. Dean guards Sam. Jared guards Jensen" 
《A Day In The Life of Jensen and Jared》在S1E20的时候为收录DVD而拍摄,差不多就是那时的典型气氛,腻乎,但轻松自然。(Jared送了Jensen取景器作为生日礼物XDDDD) 
From https://www.mediablvd.com/forums/index.php?s=f3eb6abc791d5bd4836d5c03e86a72c0&showtopic=28645&st=580&p=2068816&#entry2068816:  
There was this one girl with an awesome drawing of Jensen and she went up to him and said "Jensen, could you sign this please?" And Jensen goes "Sure, no problem" and then the girl goes "You know, I really wouldnt mind if you asked me to marry you!" Jensen laughs at this and asks for his name and then puts his head back down to autograph her drawing. When the girl gets the autograph back it says: "To Jess, Will you marry me? Love, Jensen" I thought that was the sweetest thing ever. While this was going on, Jared comes up and says something about how come he doesnt have a drawing. The girl says something like she's really sorry but she couldnt find a good picture to draw. Jared laughs and then grabs Jensen's cheeks and says "Its okay, I can see why you would want to draw him anyway, he's so good looking!" It was so funny. Then the crew rushed over to get Jensen to go shoot a scene, so he couldnt sign anymore autographs. 
From https://lemmypie.livejournal.com/4275.html: 
These are some things I noticed while gawking…. The crew seemed to always call them “THE BOYS” which cracked me up. Both boys are tall. Their cell phones they use for the show actually work. I spotted both of them actually talking on their phones more than once between takes. They do entertain each other. There was much playful shoving and once during a scene where the boys are to stalk off. Jensen jumped on Jared’s back for a piggyback ride. Of course both boys were as sweet as apple pie. The whole set is totally relaxed. Everyone is really laid back. Except for the Director of Photography, he seemed stressed. LOL! I was afraid of him. 
在蹲守时我发现了一些事情……剧组把他们叫做“那俩男孩(THE BOYS)”,让我觉得好萌。俩男孩都好高。他们在剧里使用的手机都是真的能用的,我看到他们在拍摄间隙好几次拿那个打电话。他们关系很好,总是彼此玩闹着推推搡搡的,在一场走出镜头的拍摄也是如此。Jensen一把跳上Jared的背玩piggyback ride(就是肩扛背背的那种玩儿,中文里找不到词啊,请意会)。当然啦他们两个都甜得跟苹果派似的。整个剧组都很放松,大家都很悠闲的样子,除了摄影导演,他看起来好严肃啊,我怕他。 
From the same post: 
Jared: Dude cool camera
Me: Thanks it’s a Yashicamat from 1959
Jared: Jensen come here look at this camera! 
Jensen (walking up to stand next to Jared) Man is that a film camera? That is so cool. 
Me: Yeah I love taking pictures with it, speaking of can I take your picture? 
Both boys: Yeah sure. 
Jensen: Where did you get a camera like that? 
Me: My dad. Click
Me: Thanks
Them: No Problem, cool camera. 

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